Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Colonialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Imperialism - Essay Example Lamentably this was not Lumumba and he needed to go. Patrice Lumumba was killed on 17 January, 1961. His death was ploted by the U.S and Belgian governments in conjuction with some Congolese associates. A Belgian execution crew was set up to murder him. Outsiders attacked Africa in the late 1800s and mid 1900s for some reasons. Different African nations were colonized by various nations who were in quest for various plans. For example, Kenya was colonized by Britain who needed to direct slave exchange. Coming up next are a portion of the reasons why African nations were colonized: I. Quest for crude materials. While doing their trips, the European understood that Africa was a rich landmass and its occupants were yet to understand this. The mainland was wealthy in crude materials for example; the Beligium attacked Congo somewhat for its elastic and ivory. After colonizing these African nations, the European countries gained work from the Africans themselves at that point traded the materials to their country. iii. ‘Western civilisation’. Ruler Leopold was the Belgian King at the time Congo was colonized. He guaranteed that he needed to carry western civilisation to African nations for example Congo. Be that as it may, this was a simple stratagem intended to occupy from his genuine aims. The King needed to store up close to home riches in Congo. Most African nations responded to their colonization through fierce methods, anyway a few nations decided not to contradict their rule for example Burundi who rather worked together with the outsiders. Congo was one of the nations who reacted through savage methods. The Congolese opposed colonization for a long time, killing a lot of King Leopold’s officers. One of the popular uprising was driven by a boss in the lower Congo rapids, Nzansu. Leopold anyway fought back using even serious methods for mercilessness. Whoever restricted his